A web graphics library—built on top of Pixi.js—that radically simplifies coding experimental graphics for web and then converting them into easily shareable videos and looping gifs.
If you are here then where am I, and how did we meet? Maybe I'm on the other side of the globe or, maybe, I'm standing right next to you looking at you looking at me, and waiting for you to say something. Something along the lines of “That's nice,” and “tell me more!” If I am—standing next to you, that is—I'll probably try to play it cool and say “Oh it's just a little thing I put together.” Very exciting!
In earnest, this is a one-pager. But if you click on the links, it becomes a five-pager. Big projects. Much time. Here we go!
Things I've Made
Project Hamster - Time Tracking
The concept is simple - you let hamster know whenever you start doing something, and at the end of the day hamster will be able to tell you how much time you spent on what.
The original open source GNOME version I wrote is still active in the Linux world and, last time I checked, has about ~50,000 users or so. This, though, is the online version that does the same and then some, and will work wherever you are. Currently the project is in Alpha, but hopefully will reach Beta soon enough.
Lockbox - Password Manager
Lockbox is a personal password manager and a place to store all kinds of private info. It's super-secure as the information is encrypted right here in your browser, and nobody but you will be able to access it. For your convenience, the encrypted information bundle is synchronized with the servers, so that it is accessible from all your devices. Lockbox is completely free and intends to stay that way.
Parse.ly Dashboard - Content Analytics
For ten years or so my day job was working on the Parse.ly Analytics Dashboard so I'd be amiss not to talk about it for a moment. With a pretty small development team, we managed to create world-class analytics product that is now used by people in big publishing names like Conde Nast and Bloomberg. Every now and then a user would drop a line to the success team on how much they love dash and how simple the interface is, and that gave me all the warm and fuzzies.
Sulylife.com - A Sustainability-Oriented Online Aggregator Store

sulylife.com was an aggregator store intended for sustainability-conscious people who shop at big outlets like M&S, Uniqlo, Gap, and so on. The idea was to allow users to shop more sustainably, and educate them on the go.
Being the sole developer, I managed to implement a robust and well functioning MVP. The thing was chugging along with barely any money required to run it. It crawled product sites via Zyte, provided faceted filtering and full text search via ElasticSearch, and auto-scaled on Google Cloud. The progressive web app running on Vue worked well and looked decent regardless of form-factor.
The user interface was a team collaboration.
Things I've Written
Flash fiction
Snack-sized reads ranging from surreal to introspective, flash fiction is fun to write and equally fun to read. Read a bunch if you're curious about what it's like in my head!
A far future sci-fi short story about a world where everyone had to move into the “immersion” - a simulation indistinguishable from real life, and two friends that discover a rather inexplicable phenomenon.
Three rather furry—“and feathery,” interjects the Owl—friends are looking for funds to fix their starship, the “Dalmatian Hopper”, and end up finding themselves on a mission. It's not quite clear whether things are being taken seriously or not.
Read online »Things I've Eaten
I chew through about two books a month and on good days I also go through about a metric ton of TV shows. Music wise, I have a sweet tooth for electronic. So if you are looking for good times, check out my book recommendations, favourite music, and exciting TV shows.
To get in touch, you can fire me an email to [email protected], or find me in the networks!